Our Story

Be The Solution, Not Just A Part Of It.

After years of wanting to help but wasn't exactly sure where to start, we came up with a vision that has now grown to DEFRAG... We help people to put the pieces of their lives back together again.

Without experiencing drug addiction, poverty, and gangsterism up close and personal it is very hard to determine how to help the community move past this life. After 30+ years of experience in addiction, extreme poverty/homelessness, and gangsterism the founders of the organization found their way out of that vicious cycle of life, and are obligated to show the community and the world that there truly is a light in the end of the tunnel.

We have seen it to be very easy to complain about all these things and talk about solutions... But never doing anything about ANYTHING, this is officially about to change on a very large scale. We understand that this is an extremely daunting task and we are more than ready to dedicate our lives to this cause.

It's time... To put the pieces back together!

Our Mission

Our mission is not to simply help someone get out of addiction but to permanently better their lives as well as the lives of their families. For someone to get clean is only the start of their journey, they can't go back to there old ways, we need to help them put the finer pieces of their lives back together.

We aim to make sure that while the said person is in treatment that their family does not continue to suffer, therefor we do our best to help their family to keep their head above water, and we try our best to see to it that the children's tummies stay full and their souls full of joy. After/during treatment said person will receive training in a specific proffession and when he/she is ready to set foot outside of treatment they have a higher chance that they won't have to resort back to a life of crime.

You Can Help Us Put The Pieces Back Together

Help us by fighting the war on Drug Abuse

Drugs have been leaving a path of destruction in our community, with every helping hand we grow stronger in the war on drug abuse!

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Help the community with our Skills Development & Training program

Part of our reintegration program is to make sure people have the necessary skills to be able to make a success of their life after addiction.

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Join us with our Youth Development program

We can all agree that the youth is 100% the future of our world and we need to make sure that the youth has every chance they're able to get for a bright future!

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Help us with Job Creation for South Africa

Having the right skills will not help if there isn't jobs available for the community. With your help we can create jobs for people to be able to take care of their families.

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Eugene F. Terblanche

Nico Prins

Eugene F. Terblance & Nico Prins


Eugene F. Terblance (Owner/CEO of SET Travel) & Nico Prins (Owner/CEO of Dev Tech Projects) have both been to the bottom of the barrel of life and came back with testimonies made to save lives.

We strongly believe that we can use all we have experienced for good, we believe our testimonies can change lives, show people their not alone and there is a way out!

Make an impact.
Save lives.

BE The Solution!

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Becoming The Solution

No donation or sponsorship is too small to make a difference.

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