Youth Development

Every hand counts... Especially yours!

We can all agree that the youth is 100% the future of our world and we need to make sure that the youth has every chance they're able to get for a bright future!

With todays music, movies, news and aparent role models the youth are being led down a very dangerous road... This road consists of the glorification of crime, drugs, the support prostitution and human traficing etc. In movies gangsters and killing is made to look "cool and tough". In music you mostly hear about doing drugs, sleeping around, partying and gangsterism. The news spreads hate amoung cultures, race and generations as well as the success of sexualizing yourselves thriough social media to gain attention and make a living off it..

With this being said we know you can't always protect our young from the internet. Unfortunatly they will be seeing all these things... But it's up to us to be able to educate them and help them understand the difference between right and wrong. Help them understan that morals goes a long way, and you get judged by the people you associate yourself with.

The youth are our future, and currently our youth is being poisend by media... We are the antidote.

Our aim is to reach out to schools and evaluate what they are exposed to and discuss discernment for future life choices. Let's make sure they see the right things at the right time, and make sure they know how to differentiate between the two.

How we fight

We will be fighting these problems by going to schools, churches, and holding events to raise funds and awareness for these problems facing our community.

We need to oblitherate the negative influince such as the over sexulization of girls and drug abuse amoung our youth.

We welcome ANY entities that would like to join us with these issues, so we can fight this together.

You Can Help Us Put The Pieces Back Together

Help us by fighting the war on Drug Abuse

Drugs have been leaving a path of destruction in our community, with every helping hand we grow stronger in the war on drug abuse!

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Help the community with our Skills Development & Training program

Part of our reintegration program is to make sure people have the necessary skills to be able to make a success of their life after addiction.

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Join us with our Youth Development program

We can all agree that the youth is 100% the future of our world and we need to make sure that the youth has every chance they're able to get for a bright future!

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Help us with Job Creation for South Africa

Having the right skills will not help if there isn't jobs available for the community. With your help we can create jobs for people to be able to take care of their families.

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